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Sunday, September 30, 2012

Using DrawSomething in the ESL Classroom

Here we meet again.....

Thanks for stopping by :)

I have this idea in mind for a long time now. I have tried it last year, but couple of parents ruined the chances for the lesson to succeed and didn't allow the kids to use their phones...WHATEVER!!

Anyhow... I am determined to try it again this year.

Here it goes.....
Basically with this lesson plan you will need smart phones, ipad or ipod touch. Make sure DrawSomething is downloaded in them!

I think every 3 pupils can use one device and work in groups, so if you have a class of 35 you need 12 devices. I asked the kids to bring their own mobile so if everyone has a phone there's no need to work in pairs... whatever... enough with that.... you can work that out :)

The instructions I gave my pupils were:

Open the DrawSomthing app. Choose a friend from your 'friend list' (it can be either by entering his/her useer-name or via Facebook)

You will get 3 words to choose from. You are not allowed to choose names! Only words with meanings.

Choose a word you can draw. If you get 3 words you don't know - use a dictionary to help you with the translation.

Draw the word you chose and sent it. Wait until you get a drawing from a friend and try to guess what it is.

The Assignment:
In your notebook, make a list of at least 4 words you guessed right.

Write a sentence using each word.

Open a Paint file on your computer. Choose one sentence from the 4 you wrote and draw it in Paint.

Write the sentence you draw in the bottom of the page. Make sure the word you used (from DrawSomthing) is highlighted.

Save your drawing as a picture and upload it to our class forum. Don't forget to write your name.

Everyone should present their picture and sentence.
 Click to download

Thursday, September 27, 2012

How to use qr codes in your esl lesson?! Here is an idea.

QR Code Hunting

QR codes are awesome!!!
Are you looking for an innovative lesson? One that is fun and exciting?
I have got an idea for a lesson plan the kids will love!!!
Read about how to implement QR codes in YOUR esl classrooms: 

This is a unique, fun and interactive lesson that includes group work, using a dictionary, reading and more.
It was planned to summarize the unit about London.
The class should be divided into groups.
Each group has a smart phone with a qr code scanner downloaded in it (such as i-nigma, qr scanner or qr reader for iphone).
The first note is given by the English teacher and it has a pictures of the following qr code:
The group has to scan the qr code, read the instructions, think about the answer, go to the person mentioned in the text and tell him/her the answer. If their answer is correct - they get a second note with a qr code.
This is the note they get for the first code:
It is 1666. There is a tragedy in London. What is it? If you know the answer, go to the school's secretary for your second question.
The answer is:

This is the second one for that particular lesson:
This is the note they get for the second code:
It's in the kitchen. You use it to clean and wash the dishes. What is it? Go to the school's guard to get your third question.
The answer is:
The third qr code is:
This is the note they get for the third code:
Translate the following sentence to English:
.ישנם מלפפונים בין העגבניות לחמאה
Go to the school's principle to get your fourth question.
The answer is:
The fourth qr code is:
This is the note they get for the fourth code:
It's yellow. It's in London.
It can be a boat.
It can be a bus.
What is it? Go to the school's counselor for your fifth question.
The answer is:
The fifth qr code is:
This is the note they get for the fifth code:
Terrible and scary things happened there
Many years ago it was a prison.
What is it? Go to the school's janitor for your sixth question..
The answer is:
The sixth qr code is:
This is the note they get for the sixth code:
It's big. It's a house. It is 300 years old. You can see "The Changing of the Guards" ceremony there.
Where is it? Go to the person who teaches computers at school to get your seventh question.
The answer is:
The seventh qr code is:

scary, interesting, special, terrible, quick, diffeent and exciting are all .........
Go to your English teacher if you iknow the answer..
The answer is:

The first group to get to me gets candies or some kind of a treat.

Friday, September 21, 2012

ESL Video

This is just the tool we need to connect  and engage the students with the learning process of English.

Today's students spend hours using various media, such as: television, computers, mobile phones, music players and so on. With ESL Video they can be taught through songs, movies and video clips.

The tool is designed so that you will be able to upload any kind of video (which can be provided  by YouTube for example) and create a variety of exercises using the video. You can create multiple choice questions or sentences completion (close questions).
Students watch the video with pleasure and joy. 

This is a new kind of learning! Certainly we can't do these lessons very often, but we can surely add them to our weekly or monthly plans.
Take a look at some of the activities I've created for my students:

In this activity, I've used the first of six  funny, nice, easy to watch episodes (from Oxford University Press - there are a variety of ESL videos to choose from).
The students watch the show and then they answer the questions. It can be given as homework as well.

In this Angry Birds activity, which is basically a writing assignment - I wanted the students to watch the game's trailer and answer some questions before they star writing. I thought it would help them better understand the assignment and make the task more entertaining.
Here I used a funny video clip from YouTube and wanted to make a fun lesson (we had a blast trying to imitate the hippo).
So we listened the the song and then answered the questions about it.
Another song I've used was What a Wonderful World (I used it with the older students - grade 6) 

An important thing I lacked in my explanation is that there is a wonderful option to check the answers of the students (let's say if you give it as homework) and keep track on who did the homework and how many correct answers he got, simply log in to your ESL Video account, go to students score and there you see who submitted the work and who didn't.
See the example:
Note: You have to have a teacher code first and you MUST give it to your students. Once they answer and want to send the task, they will have to fill in your code.
That is really so easy to use and so nice:)
I love it! How about you?

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Free Worksheets :)

Here are some of my newer worksheets.
They are free for you (via esl printables) to use in your class. 
Please do not sell them and if you post them on your site please link back!
Because many of my visitors couldn't download the printables from esl printbales I uploaded them all to my site. Download anything you want for free and easy as abc...


Saturday, September 15, 2012

Free Templates

Here are some free templates I've just created. Would love to hear what you think of them...
You can use them for class posters, worksheets, cards and more... :)
To download simply right click and save as picture or scroll down and download the entire collection....


New Year's Resolutions :)

As the Jewish New Year is right across the corner, I have decided to write my 20 New Year's Resolutions.
Happy New Year to all of my friends and family –Where ever you are.... :)

1) Keep on with the Healthy Life Style, I've recently discovered... (keep exercising and eating right)
2) Don't work hard.
3) Get some rest.
4) Success (with my M.A studies)
5) Spend more time with my family.
6) Travel - enjoy the beautiful sites my country has to offer.
7) Relax (This is going to be hard to accomplish)
8) Help others (weather a student of mine, a friend or a family member)
9) To visit my parents more often.
10) Let my love ones how much I love them over and over again :)
11) Finally buy a new computer (I want a Sony or Apply)
12) Buy an apartment!!!! (Stop leasing :( )
13) Learn something new.
14) Read!! (It has been to long since I read a book!)
15) Save more money.
16) Be less Stressed.
17) Visit my best Uncle (Uncle Max) in the States.
18) Make some new friends.
19) Get some quality time with my husband.
20) Get new furniture.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Puppet Exchange

So, my pupils and I take part in a very cute project where the kids need to make a puppet figure and write about themselves on the back of the puppet.
I started the project with my 5th graders. I have asked them to bring old fabric, markers, glitters, scissors, glue, yarn, stickers, art supplies and more (I had all kinds of things in my English room as well for the kids to use).
We used this puppet model that I've created:
First I showed them an example I made and also an example of what they should write.
The kids worked very nicely and here are some pictures to prove it :)

I believe that when the kids write in English doing a fun activity, something they are not tested on  - they feel more free and relax. This is when we let their creativity show and really can tell what they learn, where their mistakes are and most importantly get to know them better :) 

My 6th graders take part in the same project, although we send hands and feet instead of the puppet.
I divided the class into two groups: the hands and the feet. I handed out those templates (I created them as well)
The feet group had to write about a place you can travel/visit/enjoy in Israel.
The hand group had to write about things that can be done in Israel (such as ski, vacation, eat, buy, etc).
They also were given instructions and examples.
I need to take some pictures of the hands and feet to post soon...:)

Thanks to Orly Winer, the creator of the project, we had a very nice adventure that includes writing and looking up new words and improving our English skills!!