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Thursday, August 2, 2012

A Shy Girl

During the last few weeks we have experienced strange things with He-Lee.
She seems to afraid of crowded places (well, even 5 people is crowded for her) or places she doesn't know. This leads to crying and a request to go back home. For example 2 weeks ago, we went to a birthday party. We know the family and He-Lee knows the 2 children. They are her friends. She ran all the way to the house, as she knows the way but once we opened the door and she saw more people, babies and children she went back outside asking to go home. When that didn't help she went into to restrooms and sat on the toilet (saying she has to pee) for 20 minutes!!! When I finally got her out, she started crying and we had to take her back home. 
Yesterday at her day-care End of the Year Party, she didn't want to enter the room (even thought she knew everyone!!!) because it wasn't her usual classroom. She stayed outside in the hall (dancing, singing and doing everything the other kids did inside). It took her 30 minutes to enter the class and participate... Only when the kids went out to play, she ran to play... 
Now I realize it is perfectly natural, but it is really annoying. How long will it take for this phase to over? We can't take her anywhere... 
She won't stay in shows (we spent too much money trying!!), she won't go to parties, and she won't talk to 'new' people...... 

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