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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Welcome Back to School

School has started a few days ago and I am busy like a bee!
Waking up at 6:00 am, leaving the house at 7:00, getting to school at 7:45 and at 8:00 the fun begins!!!

Wow!!! Working in 6 different classes, from 3rd grade to 6th grade – This is not going to be an easy year!!
The English room is not ready yet! Today I got 8 new laptops (RED ones!!! YAY)…. 2 tables are missing and assignment cards are yet to be laminated. Angels in Bar-Lev poster is not printed yet and I am missing about 10 little boxes for the pupils' names.

My school has a new English Inspectorate, who sent us some files to fill in and requested I send her the lesson plans for the whole year along with the individual lesson plans for the weak students! I haven't even printed out the screening tests…. and they want the results J

Anyway... Most of you already know I am going back to school myself… finally I have decided it's time for M.A degree and I was accepted in the Technology department!! YAY!! So, on October 21st I am going to start the adventure and it will take (hopefully) 2 years till I get my M.A in Technology in Education…. So exciting!

At the first day of school the kids were welcomed with a rainbow of balloons and 2 huge Miki Mouse Balloons… They really liked that!! We put out a red carpet for them to enter the school on and handed everyone a mouse pad (as a gift for the beginning of the school year).
I would like to wish you teachers good luck and a lot of new ideas for the incoming school year.. Hope we can learn from each other and the more ideas we have the merrier I am J


  1. Wishing you a wonderful year Roneet and the best of luck with your classes and school year. You are hard working and diligent. II am sure it will be great for you.
    Best always,
    Marsha Goren

  2. Thanks so much Marsha.. Wishing you a great year as well :)
